Vendor assessment is performed by an independent trusted third party.
Assessment is a key part of the enforcement of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Risk Management (RM) policies.
Risk ratings resulting from the vendor assessment helps ensure compliance to GCG and RM policies.

VSS Features

Invite and Review
Invite your vendors to the bidding process. Customize your credit risk and selection criteria. Review and select vendors
Manage and Monitor
Manage and monitor your vendors’ applications and qualifications process.
Time and Efficiency
Save time with up to date information of your vendors, available anytime online.
Security is Priority
Information security and confidentiality is our top priority.


Vendors will find out about their financial health and credit worthiness with D&B and iiRating.
D&B Rating and iiRating can be used by vendors to develop new business opportunities and apply for loans with financial institutions to grow their business.

VSS Process


Go to https://new.vss.co.id to do self-registration and create your VSS account.
Register Now Step 1
1 working day

Complete the online questionnaire and upload documents

Once the user ID is activated, you can log in to https://new.vss.co.id, complete the online questionnaire and upload the required documents.
Detail requirement list Step 2
2 working days

Evaluation Process

Within 5 working days, the D&B and iiRating will be available in https://new.vss.co.id.
Step 3
5 working days


Praja Pratama Putra
Imah Khotimah
Yufita Permata Sari


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